About Me

Lake Charles, Louisiana, United States
I am a left-leaning Independent and self-proclaimed political junkie who is most interested in LGBT and human rights. You'll definitely see this in my essays and posts.

Tuesday, September 27, 2011

The Progressive Contract

As the campaign seasons heat up, you will hear more and more Republicans signing contracts and pledges.  Republican's have already pledged to take welfare from teen mothers (Republican Contract With America); destroy our healthcare system, kill Social Security, kill Medicare, continue the Ponzi scheme of feeding the coffers of the wealthy with the wages of the poor, deregulate Wall Street, bring education back to the time of segregation and high drop outs, dismantle earnest efforts for energy independence, destroy the environment, limit our right to vote (Tea Party Contract); ensure the poor and middle-class shoulder the burden in an effort to stabilize the economy, make abortion services almost unobtainable, eliminate due process, erase any hope that children of illegal immigrants who call themselves Americans from becoming legal Americans (GOP.gov Pledge); respect the marriages of others unless they're a same-sex couple, believe that same-sex couples make horrible parents, sex partners, and are likely to be involved in legal troubles and addiction, eliminate welfare for single parents, defend the unconstitutional DOMA [Destruction of Marriage Act], fight to enshrine bigotry within the United States Constitution, reinstatement of DADT, abolish abortion, put girls under lock and key until marriage, ban pornography [damn the First Amendment!], reject Sharia Law [doesn't the First Amendment and Article IV of the Constitution already do that?] (Bob Vander Plaats Pledge for 2012ers); again, enshrine social inequalities and bigotry into our constitution, appoint activist judges [but they support conservatives, so they're not really activists], institute McCarthyist witch hunts into supporters of same-sex marriage and gay persons, eliminate due process in the District of Columbia (NOM Pledge).

All that ruining of America is a lot to take in, I know; for these reasons alone, we as progressives must not become short sided of our goals.  I just saw a new progressive contract that was emailed to me; I'll not name the organization, but I found this alarming.  Why change something we already have, something that is already tried, true, and more importantly, trusted.  We as progressives have followed one pledge, and one pledge alone.  It is the Progressive Contract which I derived from FDR's October 31, 1936 campaign speech we know as, "I Welcome Their Hatred!"  In that speech, he laid the pillars and foundation for what would become the cornerstones of the modern progressive and democratic movement.  This contract is still in use today and should remain in use for as long as the American progressive movement shall live.  This is the first pledge, the first contract, and the only contract that stands by the everyday American.  This is who we are, not only as progressives, but as a nation.

Below, are the enumerated promises made by FDR to the American people; below is the true progressive pledge to America.

    The Progressive Contract
    By Franklin Delano Roosevelt
    Our vision for the future contains more than promises.
    1. Improve working conditions for the workers of America
      1. Reduce hours over-long
      2. Increase wages that spell starvation
      1. End the labor of children
      1. Wipe out sweatshops
      2. End monopoly in business
      3. Support collective bargaining
      1. Stop unfair competition
      1. Abolish dishonorable trade policies
    1. Cheaper electricity in the homes and on the farms of America
    2. Better and cheaper transportation
    3. Low interest rates
    4. Sounder home financing
    5. Better banking
    1. Regulation of security issues
    1. Reciprocal trade among nations
    1. The wiping out of slums
    2. Better land use and reforestation
    3. Conservation of water all the way from its source to the sea
    1. Drought and flood control
    1. Provide useful work for the needy unemployed
      1. Refuse to accept the disparagement of the unemployed
      2. Keep government on the side of the Good Samaritan
      3. Continue insurance for the unemployed
      4. We prefer useful work to the pauperism of a dole
    1. Continue our efforts for young men and women so that they may obtain an education and opportunity to put to use
    1. Help for the crippled, for the blind, for the mothers
    1. Provide security for the aged
    1. Protect the consumer against unnecessary price spreads
      1. Protect against the costs that are added by monopoly and speculation
      1. Continue our efforts to increase the consumer purchasing power and keep it constant
    For all these, we must continue to fight!

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