About Me

Lake Charles, Louisiana, United States
I am a left-leaning Independent and self-proclaimed political junkie who is most interested in LGBT and human rights. You'll definitely see this in my essays and posts.

Saturday, January 22, 2011

Keith Olbermann Signs Off

This past Friday was a very sad day in honest journalism as we have learned very abruptly that Keith Olbermann was signing off even though he had two years left in his contract.  In a time where we need more in-depth honesty in the news, not less, we have lost a powerful light in an age that seems to be getting darker and darker.  Olbermann will be missed and so will, MSNBC’s “well-oiled Ferrari,” Countdown.

I have no doubt Keith’s sudden departure had something to do with the inevitable take-over, not merger, of NBC/MSNBC by the conservative media giant, Comcast.  It would seem that we liberals are being silenced not only within our own government, at times by our very own Democratic president, but in the media as well.  Were it not for Olbermann, MSNBC would not be the left-leaning, liberal media outlet it is today, and for that, among many other reasons, we must thank him.  Olbermann has given liberals a voice on the cable news medium that was needed sorely during the almost tyrannical Bush administration, the moral emptiness of the Republicans’ rise to near power within our Congress, and now during the tea party, gun-wielding, Congresswoman shooting insanity that is gripping America.

We can only hope MSNBC will continue to be the voice against that tyranny, moral emptiness, and insanity; however, most importantly, we can only hope MSNBC will continue to be a beacon of truth in what is becoming, in part due to Conservative media, America’s Dark Age.  Please excuse me if you think I am sounding a little melodramatic, but this nation is overwhelmed by news organizations giving a platform to groups who promote hate and a culture of fear against the government and liberals, CNN not withstanding!

My final message to Comcast and conservatives:  I will gladly take the biased liberal media at MSNBC over the lies spread by Fox News.  Lastly, to Keith Olbermann:  good luck in your future endeavors; I hope this is not the last we will hear from you because you are already extremely missed in an age when we need your voice more than ever before.

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