About Me

Lake Charles, Louisiana, United States
I am a left-leaning Independent and self-proclaimed political junkie who is most interested in LGBT and human rights. You'll definitely see this in my essays and posts.

Friday, February 18, 2011

The Afterlife, or Something Like it

Last weekend, I experienced a special occurrence that has only happened a handful of times within my life and has already affected me profoundly.  This weekend, I realized that I believe in the existence of some sort of afterlife.  To be exact:  I realized that the existence of an afterlife is logically possible.  You probably do not know this, but I am agnostic, that is I believe in a higher force of some sort, but have not acknowledged the identity of that force.  Now, I believe in an afterlife, sort of.

Up until my junior year of college, I was atheist, only believing in what is tangible.  What changed that is throughout my courses in civil engineering, math, physics, environmental science, chemistry, and sociology, I began to notice patterns that linked all natural aspects of those sciences to each other:  the natural logarithm.  At that moment, one of the special occurrences aforementioned happened:  I had the realization that without the existence of a higher force, this natural pattern could not exist and our multi-verse could fall into entropy.

This weekend, I was thinking about the Big Bang Theory and an article where Stephen Hawkins said because of the existence of gravity, spontaneously, universes could come into existence.  I started thinking more about this, now armed with what I had learned in math about gravity and the space-time continuum.  On the surface, it would seem that without the existence of large, massive objects, gravity could not exist.  Gravity not only warps the fabric of space-time, but it exists because space-time exists and space-time exists because gravity exists, therefore, space-time and gravity will always exist.

This is where my idea of the afterlife comes into play.  I have come to believe the afterlife exists along the fabric of space-time.  I still do not know what effect, if any, gravity plays in this vision of the afterlife. One idea is it may force, through trans-universal wormholes, our sentience to enter another universe and another life, or our sentience may just become one with the fabric of space-time forever, this, I still do not understand.  I am sure, in time, I will come to understand whether death is the end of the line for our sentience or if reincarnation actually is the next chapter, or this may be the end of that line of thought due to the lack of evidence.  I also know that I will likely never acknowledge the identity of the higher force I have come to believe exists.


  1. Everything will fall into entropy in due time.

  2. Hey John, long time, no see. A youtube video i saw made me think of this post http://youtu.be/oPEdDcs_8ZQ (God is in the Neurons)
